Stack Stone Tiling

Stack Stone Tiling

At FR Tiling, we build stone walls, floors, and the exteriors of private homes and other buildings. We also make stone piers, arches, sills, steps, and hearths.

At FR Tiling works with both natural and artificial stones. The natural stones we use are marble, granite, sandstone, and limestone. The artificial stones are made of cement and cement mixed with marble chips or other masonry materials. Stonemasons use tools such as hammers, chisels, trowels, mallets, wedges, pneumatic (compressed air) drills, and brushes. They generally work with helpers who carry the stones.

At FR Tiling sometimes works from plans that number each piece of stone. We spread a cementlike material called mortar between each row of stones with a flat, pointed tool called a trowel. When the stones are in the proper position, the stonemasons check their placement with a plumb line to make sure they are aligned. We then smooth the mortar between the stones. Sometimes, the masons work with Derrick operators, who run hoists that lift and lower large stones into place.


30 July 2018

